My choreographic process is informed by my practices as an SEL teacher, circus director, and my former career as a clown and performance artist. I work as a facilitator and director to create dances that are collaborative and narrative, soliciting movement ideas from dancer-collaborators and weaving them together to tell a collective story.
Choreography &Dance
Pluto Return is a collective of dancers who met at Esh Circus Arts in Somerville, in an adult “return to ballet” class. These former former-dancers create work together that celebrates our bodies as they are, not as they used to be, “should” be, or could be. Deprogramming outside messages about size, gender, dis/ability, pain, and perfectionism is core to our process — all while finding joy inhabiting our perfectly imperfect selves. instagram.com/plutoreturndance
Pluto Return
As a soloist, my work has often been autobiographical and deeply personal. As a disabled dancer, my dance explores limitations and opportunities, as well as investigating and redefining “virtuosity”. Queer joy radiates through all of my work. Queerness is more than sexuality; it is an ethos of intersectionality and interconnectedness, of camp and post-modernism, blending highbrow and lowbrow, eschewing genre as well as gender stereotypes. It is permission to be the complicated, imperfect human that each of us is.