Inclusive Circus and Dance Instruction
All bodies are dance bodies. All bodies are circus bodies.
If you’ve ever felt unwelcome or unsure if you belong in a movement class: you belong in my class! People who are plus-size/fat-identified, older, disabled, chronically ill, post partum, people of color, folks who are trans, queer, neurodivergent – we’ve been told implicitly and explicitly that we don’t belong in movement and fitness spaces. My work as a movement teacher focuses on creating spaces where every body is valued for its unique talents and ways of moving. I’ve spent years un-learning and re-learning dance and circus technique with non-normative bodies at the center, questioning: “Why should a tendu have to look a particular way?” “What is the core skill we want to learn in a gazelle?” “What does this shape look like on your body?” and learning from my students as we reinvent dance and circus for our own bodies, in our own time.
Check out my Classes/Coaching page to find out where to take dance class with me!